Healing Stories
Lowering My Blood Pressure with Reiki, Hypnotherapy, and Meditation
February 17, 2017 • Dawn Fleming
article written by Larry Richards When talking about my work, I often get the “rolling eyes” or hear the statement something like, “Does that stuff really work”? Or I have had people tell me, this is just “that new age stuff”. Little do these individuals realize that Hypnotherapy, Meditation and Reiki have been around for many years and are not “New Age”. I also run into those who believe meditation or Reiki is associated with some religious belief and are reluctant to even discuss the subject, and I admit, I was one of those “people”. My knowledge of Hypnosis...
Reiki and the Gentle Art of Being and Beekeeping
February 17, 2017 • Dawn Fleming
article written by Ann Reid While not as prescriptive as a 4-H Beekeeping Handbook, as a Reiki Master and Beekeeper, it’s Dr. Usui’s principals of Reiki that I find myself coming back to again and again. They are my manual for Reiki and the gentle art of being… as well as beekeeping. Just for today, I will release all anger. As a Reiki Master and beekeeper, I’m tuned-in to the vibration of my hives—and they are tuned into me. When I started 3 years ago, Jim, my 85 year-old beekeeping mentor taught me, “If you’ve just had a spat with...
Patti vs Breast Cancer...Patti Wins!!!
February 29, 2016 • Dawn Fleming
If you’ve ever been part of a family with history of breast cancer, you feel like a time bomb. As the annual mammogram approaches your stress and anxiety levels increase awaiting the results. If Cancer is detected, the plan for treatment that has been in the back of your mind when the first female in the family got “the news”, kicks in. You know you’ll cry for a while, then gather copious amounts of information to take to your many specialists visits, make decisions and preparations then hop on the Chemotherapy wagon. Sounds negative, but to me it’s reality. My...
The Value of Receiving Reiki Before and After Major Surgery
February 29, 2016 • Dawn Fleming
As an advanced level Reiki practitioner, I have understood the value of giving and receiving Reiki treatments for a variety of physical, emotional and mental challenges. However, I had no way of assessing the impact of the healing power of Reiki when done in conjunction with major surgery. That is until I made my decision to have total hip replacement surgery to be done on October 3, of this year. I had been privileged to be a member of a team of Reiki practitioners working with Ed Roebuck and Dennis Dunn both of who had also made the decision to...
Some Miracles Just Take a Little Longer - A Story of Healing Lupus
February 29, 2016 • Dawn Fleming
I went to the Doctor last month for a routine physical, something most of us do on a regular basis. However, this one was unusual for me because all of my lab work came back negative. As near as my Doctor could tell, I am very healthy. He couldn’t explain it and was very confused. You see, 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Lupus. My path to this last physical has not been short, quick, or painless, but it has been an adventure. I was very ill ten years ago when I met Lynn, and she invited me to...