I’ve been working with Reiki and energy now for over 30 years. I am never disappointed by what I learn from working with Reiki and what I witness with my student’s experiences. The beauty of it all is that anyone can learn how to give Reiki to their self and to others. There are even Reiki classes to teach children how to give Reiki. What a great way to spread Light on our planet.
Here are just a few things that I have seen Reiki do over the last few months. Reiki has helped several of my clients recover from Covid-19. One client was on the heart/lung machine and ventilator. She is off all machines and is recovering at home now. Her condition did not improve until she started receiving Reiki two to three times a day for several days.
Another one of my clients whose eyesight was perfect after surgery found that it had mysteriously diminished within a few months afterward. The doctors could not explain why. After six months of Reiki sessions her doctor confirmed recently that her eyes were just as good as they were following surgery.
Reiki has helped several of my clients reach their fertility goals over the last four months. These women were the following ages 46, 41, 38, and 35. The doctors told all of them that it was nearly impossible for them to get pregnant. Also in the arena of fertility, I have used Reiki to help the sac to stop leaking as well as help a client’s placenta that had started to dysfunction endangering the baby’s life. The doctor noted that after the Reiki sessions the placenta began functioning better.
Now let’s talk about my students. After taking my Reiki for Eyes online workshop, one student’s eyesight improved almost right away and she changed glasses to a lesser prescription. Another student gave herself Reiki during a heart attack and post surgery. The doctor noted how unusually well her recovery was coming along. There were several of my students that worked together to help a few other students recover from surgery and cancer. What a beautiful world our Reiki practitioners and Masters are creating as they open doors for the amazing possibilities for healing themselves and others.
Reiki is a blessing, in which I am grateful for, and for being in a community of other Reiki practitioners.
Much Reiki Love to All,
Dawn Fleming