Healing Stories

Humbled by Reiki - Helping the Someone Passing On

February 17, 2017 Dawn Fleming

article by Amanda Sachs Early February 2014 provided me an extremely humbling experience. Sitting here now coming down from the high of the Raven's Super Bowl win I'm melting back into the experiences I had last week and wondering why the Universe offered them to me. I usually don't question things that the Universe hands to me, but it's left me wondering what is around the corner this year. A year after Connor was born I decided to put my Reiki practice on hold and focus on my new family. If I got a call for a Reiki session I...

Reiki Eliminated the Lump in My Breast and Offered Peace

February 17, 2017 Dawn Fleming

article written by Jenn Huff  In February 2012 I was at a doctor’s appointment when my doctor found a lump in my left breast. She took me to the spot where I felt it and then when I got home my husband felt it as well. Immediately I called Dawn for a Reiki session and knew I was in good hands and only had to wait a few days until my problem would be solved. The day of my Reiki appointment I arrived ready for Dawn to apply her experience and skills but was truly blown away by her method....

Lowering My Blood Pressure with Reiki, Hypnotherapy, and Meditation

February 17, 2017 Dawn Fleming

article written by Larry Richards   When talking about my work, I often get the “rolling eyes” or hear the statement something like, “Does that stuff really work”? Or I have had people tell me, this is just “that new age stuff”.  Little do these individuals realize that Hypnotherapy, Meditation and Reiki have been around for many years and are not “New Age”.  I also run into those who believe meditation or Reiki is associated with some religious belief and are reluctant to even discuss the subject, and I admit, I was one of those “people”.  My knowledge of Hypnosis...

Reiki and the Gentle Art of Being and Beekeeping

February 17, 2017 Dawn Fleming

article written by Ann Reid While not as prescriptive as a 4-H Beekeeping Handbook, as a Reiki Master and Beekeeper, it’s Dr. Usui’s principals of Reiki that I find myself coming back to again and again.  They are my manual for Reiki and the gentle art of being… as well as beekeeping. Just for today, I will release all anger. As a Reiki Master and beekeeper, I’m tuned-in to the vibration of my hives—and they are tuned into me. When I started 3 years ago, Jim, my 85 year-old beekeeping mentor taught me,  “If you’ve just had a spat with...