Upcoming Workshops

Hara Line Repair Workshop - June 17, 2023

Hara Line Repair Workshop - June 17, 2023

This is a live online class through Zoom. You will be sent a zoom link and handouts a few days prior to the class.

Saturday, June 17th 9am to 2:30 pm PT, noon to 5:30 pm EST, There will be a second online meeting about a week or so after the class to share your experiences and to ask more questions.

Do you wonder why some of the energy work that you do does not hold? Do you have clients that have mystery diseases that the doctors cannot figure out what is going on? Has your client experienced traumas, surgeries, or accidents? There is more to working with energy then just sending Reiki. These are all signs that the hara line that feeds all of the energy centers is damaged, fragmented, or misconfigured in some way. When the hara line is leaking energy, your work will not hold and mystery illnesses can occur. 

Everyone has a hara line. It is the central core channel that exisits deep in the center of your body.  It is multidimensional and plays a very important role in your health and well being. It supplies energy to the charkas and meridians. When it is damaged, over time, the physical body reacts in negative ways because it is depleted of energy. 

Hara Line Repair work is the first work that must take place before any healing modality begins. 

Learn how to repair this vital energy line. In this class we will discuss how the hara line functions, how it can be damaged, and how you can access it to repair it. We will also discuss working with the body's basic template. You will have the opportunity to work on someone's hara line and to be worked on. You must have some experience working with energy for at least two years to take this class. 

$ 250.00