
Distant Reiki

February 29, 2016 Dawn Fleming

Reiki is a gentle yet powerful form of energy balancing and healing. Although most people associate receiving Reiki in person with the practitioner there with them during the treatment, a Reiki session can be provided at a distance. That means that the practitioner is in one place and the receiver can be anywhere in the world. Distance Reiki is just as effective. Distance Reiki has also been referred to as distant, remote, or absentee Reiki healing.

With the trained practitioner’s intention along with the use of Reiki techniques and symbols, the practitioner can send energy to the client. The clients will receive the energy where it is needed most in their body, mind, and emotions. The person receiving the energy can be working, sleeping, relaxing or engaged in activity, it does not matter. Although most practitioners would prefer that the receiver be relaxed while the energy is sent, it is not necessary.

Just as the healing power of prayer goes beyond time and space as we define it, so does distance Reiki. In a Reiki II level class, distance Reiki is taught to the students. Several techniques are taught, all very effective in accelerating the healing process, balancing energy, and removing energy blocks. All the practitioner needs is the client’s name and location to provide the session. They do not even need the client’s exact condition because the energy is going to go where it is most needed. Many Reiki practitioners have witnessed cysts, tumors, colds, fevers, blood clots, become reduced or completely healed as a result of distance Reiki sessions. Many have also witnessed blood cell levels normalize, eyesight improve, fertility issues resolved, and pain levels decrease with distance Reiki.

Distance Reiki is great for anyone but children in particular because it is hard for them to lie still on a table to receive a full Reiki treatment. They can receive the distance Reiki while sleeping, watching television, playing, or having a medical treatment. Overall, children respond really well to Reiki because they do not have a lot of emotional and mental baggage that has created energy blocks in their body. They also have the advantage of youth so the body responds a lot quicker to the Reiki treatments. It takes less to bring their bodies into balance. Children have a general openness that allows the sessions to integrate more easily whether hands-on or at a distance.

Distance Reiki can be sent to support to a person in the future such as during a surgery, a court date, a meeting, after a chemo session, or taking a test. These are just a few examples of why someone might require Reiki to be sent to support them at a future date and time. Reiki can also be sent to heal the past such as to traumatic experiences – physical, emotional, and mental experiences/events that a person would like to release. Traumatic experiences held or trapped in the body create energy blocks or a void in the body’s energy field, leaving the field open to possible imbalance or illness.

Reiki is only given to a person that has consented to receive the energy. Many people want to submit other people’s names for healing because they are aware of the powerful impact that a distance session can have. With regard to small children, that parent can make the decision for the child. If a person is in a coma or not able to make the request, a third party can make the request for them and if the person really does not want the energy, they will not receive it even though it is sent. Reiki hands-on and at a distance also helps a person in the dying process leave without pain and provides calmness as they are encapsulated in this loving energy.

Distance Reiki sessions can be sent by an individual Reiki practitioner or by groups of practitioners. Some online Reiki Yahoo! groups offer free distance energy to anyone having a need. Some of these Yahoo! groups are listed at the end of this article. They have members numbering from 100 to over a 1,000. The person requesting the Reiki would join the group and submit a message requesting the energy. You can provide details of what outcome you would want but that is not required. The power of group Reiki is immense. There are many Reiki groups around the world that offer distance Reiki. Some group members send to each person individually while other send to all the people on their list at one time. There are many Reiki practitioners that have practices specializing in distance Reiki. They provide feedback on what they discovered while working with the client’s energy during the session. Either way, the energy that is received assists the requester’s realization of their wellness and life goals. Gratitude and feedback for the work that was given is always appreciated.

http://www.groups.yahoo.com When you reach their homepage type in the name of one of these groups: Reiki Path, Remote Healing Requests, Reiki Blessings Healers. In order to place a healing request, you will need to go through the steps to join the group. This is free along with the links to free distance Reiki below:



Listings of Reiki Practitioners

Finding a Reiki practitioner is as easy as looking on line by doing a search on the word Reiki directory and the name of your country or finding a local alternative healing newspaper will usually contain names of Reiki practitioners. Anyone who has taken Reiki II can provide distance Reiki. Distance Reiki can also be sent my individual practitioner instead of groups. Individual Reiki practitioners working with a smaller amount of distance requests have more time to send Reiki and the ability to focus more on the individuals versus sending to a large group of requesters at one time. Most do charge some type of fee.

The best way to find a reliable practitioner is word of mouth. Having someone recommend a practitioner is the best way to proceed; however, if there is no one to recommend a practitioner to you below are some of the directories where practitioners can be found. Not all Reiki practitioners take the time to sign up for these directories. It is best to talk to the person and find out how long they have practiced Reiki and whether this is their full time work or just a part-time interest.

http://www.reikiassociation.net/reiki_directory.php is a UK based Reiki practitioner directory.
http://www.holisticnetworker.com/directory/ReikiEnergy-Healing/51-0.html is an international holistic database of providing Reiki practitioners.



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